Šifra artikla: 151868

Šifra artikla: 151868
560.00 €
420.00 €
ali od 11,19 € / mesec
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Obrestno financiranje
- 182,46 € x 3 mesecev
- 92,25 € x 6 mesecev
- 47,16 € x 12 mesecev
- 24,64 € x 24 mesecev
- 17,15 € x 36 mesecev
- 13,42 € x 48 mesecev
- 11,19 € x 60 mesecev
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MARKER BINDINGS KINGPIN 13 are the perfect bindings for ski touring.
The legendary Kingpin combines the lightweight ISI pin toe piece with an alpine heel piece including 0°/7°/13° climbing aid. This makes it very easy to walk on any terrain and ensures great descents with outstanding performance and top-level release functionality. The binding is therefore perfect for ambitious backcountry and freeride touring enthusiasts. A very stiff, carbon-reinforced front with an ISI toe piece makes the binding easier to step into, as a wide footprint with integrated stop automatically positions and aligns your boot. Kinematically optimised pin levers then allow the pins to snap shut with just a gentle push. The wide hole pattern and XXL power transmitters deliver the ultimate in direct power transmission for the utmost control and fun on the descent.